
client transformations

featured projects


Below is a selection of past client projects, covering each of the services I offer. They cover a range of industries, as I don't have a niche. I love working with all kinds of businesses, creating and building unique streamlined processes, that frees their time and grows their business. On average, I have saved my clients one day a week, what could you do with that time?

client projects

my clients

These clients have on average saved one day a week through automated and streamlined processes and systems. They were able to free their time, allowing them to take on more clients and therefore increased their revenue. They were able to grow their business as their systems catered for future growth. Their clients also felt the benefit, as they had an elevated and clear journey and experience.


Shaira is a holistic health coach, helping people with their wellness and nutrition.

business strategy

Jaime's business provides virtual services from marketing and media to project management.


Claudine is an outdoor lifestyle coach, helping families to find their way to be outdoors.

Business revolution & BO&PM

Matt's business specialises in all aspects of design, development, and maintenance of websites.

Clickup & Dubsado build

Ashley provides her clients with strategy and content marketing for the travel & tourism industry.

Business revolution

Jill's business conducts market research for the education and learning sectors.

Matt Atherton

the project

Matt's business (purpleplanet) specialises in all aspects of design, development, and maintenance of successful websites and e-commerce stores.
He chose the Business Revolution Service, followed by Business Operations & Project Management.
Tools included ClickUp, Dubsado, Make, Zapier, Google Workspace, Xero, Calendly and Better Proposals.


Matt needed help to sort out his business because there were no documented procedures or processes in place, and because of that, he had wasted a lot of time. He was using Plutio, but it wasn’t a proper PM tool, even though it could manage contracts and invoices. There wasn't any automation, so he had to manually on and off board his clients. Matt didn't have time to learn all the tools to set them up properly, and there was nowhere to manage a growing team.


Matt wanted a CRM that would handle proposals, contracts for freelancers to sign and invoicing, as well as having an invoice area in ClickUp, showing their different statuses. The CRM needed to handle USD, EUR and GBP. He wanted a PM tool to manage and track projects with lots of automation. All processes and procedures needed to be documented and communicated to the team. Matt wanted to take less of a hands-on role in every part of the business.

business revolution & BO&PM

what i did

  • Documented processes and SOPs in ClickUp, including automated SOPs that would trigger them in the place that was needed
  • Created a place in ClickUp to document and manage all the various tools used by the business and all the integrations between them (so all the external automations were documented)
  • Created a place in ClickUp to document resources, useful business links, and general business to dos for the management team (non client related work)
  • Created a process in ClickUp to manage and track business goals that is used to keep track of whether the business is heading in the right direction, whether they achieved their goals and what they need to action in order to achieve their goals
  • Created a process in ClickUp to manage all marketing activities including social media posts, SEO, website updates and blogs

HQ & Operations

what i did

  • Created a process in ClickUp to manage the different types of projects, and automatically creating different project templates based on the work to be completed for the client
  • Created a client support area in ClickUp where current clients could submit a form or an email with an issue or request for some extra work, and it would be reviewed and routed to the relevant area/person to manage and action. This meant that the CEO was not a single point of failure, and requests could be managed when he was away
  • Created automations within the projects in ClickUp to assign work, send a comment to the relevant team members, create additional tasks, track the number of reviews by the client and update relevant fields according to the relevant phase of work
  • Created dashboards in ClickUp to track project work, open and paid invoices, time tracking per team member and work outstanding/completed broken down by phase

Client Work

what i did

  • Created a client database in ClickUp to hold relevant contact details and data for each client, and then linked them to their specific projects and invoices
  • Created a process in ClickUp to manage all the client invoices for ad hoc work, monthly/quarterly/annually work, project work
  • Created 3 brands in Dubsado to cater for the 3 different currencies that are used
  • Created interactive proposals in Dubsado that catered for different services, including set packages of work and ongoing work completed monthly/quarterly/annually
  • Created automated workflows in Dubsado to automatically on and off board leads and clients, including sending proposals, contracts, invoices, emails, testimonials and schedulers
  • Created automations to add new leads (if opted in on the lead capture forms) into Mailchimp and into the relevant group and audience


what i did

  • Created an automated recruitment process in ClickUp for new team members, which included automatically creating a task list to action with assignees and due dates, sending the new person a team member form to capture their details, creating and sending a contract, onboarding them into ClickUp and sending them a welcome email with the next steps
  • Created a database in ClickUp of all active and inactive team members
  • Created a process in ClickUp for team members to track their time and submit their invoices to be paid, including automatically sending them reminders with a link to the form they use to submit their invoices
  • Created a process in ClickUp to manage team member holiday submissions and ensuring management reviewed them


what i did

  • Management of all tools and their functionality, including integrations, automations, templates, housekeeping and continuous improvements
  • Client management, including on/off boarding activities, sending invoices and contracts/SOWs, communications, reporting and additional requests
  • Managing the day-to-day operations of the business, as well as support and strategy for future developments, goals and visions
  • Development and management of processes, SOPs and business operations
  • Managing the team, including on/off boarding, workload, deliverables, priorities, invoicing, time tracking and communication
  • Project Management of client projects, including creation and management of the project schedules, milestones and deliverables

Business operations & PM


  • More time to focus on what he wants to do with the business, and to spend it with his family
  • A brand new set of quality standards, which will help the company take a significant step forward
  • Enhanced productivity, organisation and communication with both clients and team members
  • The ability to take time off and know that there is someone keeping the business running smoothly
  • The ability to move his business to the next level
  • A better work-life balance
  • Someone to help manage the growing team

Ashley Martindale
(resonate creatives)

the project

Ashley's business (Reasonate Creatives) specialises in strategy and content marketing for the travel and tourism industry.
She chose the ClickUp  and Dubsado Service.
Tools included ClickUp, Dubsado, Zapier, Google Workspace


Ashley's biggest challenge was getting set up to allow her to scale quickly.
She was running behind on deadlines, struggling to keep track of projects, and taking on new clients faster than she could deliver on them.


Ashley wanted a system to manage everything in one central place, including her business projects and work for her clients, as well as allowing her to scale her business. She wanted to be flexible with her clients without all the admin behind the scenes and need somebody who could pull all the pieces of her business together.

ClickUp & Dubsado Build

what i did

  • Created a HQ area in ClickUp to manage her business activities (that is not client related)
  • Documented her processes and SOPs in ClickUp, including automated SOPs that would trigger where they were needed
  • Created a storage and archive area for her previous clients and to save her templates, so that they can be easily accessed and updated as needed
  • Created processes in ClickUp to manage internal projects and her own marketing activities
  • Created a place in ClickUp to document resources, useful business links, and general business to dos for the management team (non client related work)

HQ & Operations

what i did

  • Created a social media list and folder templates in ClickUp that she could use for her clients to create and manage their social media. These were automatically created, triggered by Dubsado
  • Created automations within the projects in ClickUp to assign work, send a comment to the relevant team members, create additional tasks, track the number of reviews by the client and update relevant fields according to the relevant phase of work
  • Created dashboards in ClickUp to track project work, open and paid invoices, time tracking per team member and work outstanding/completed broken down by phase

Client Work

what i did

  • Created automated task templates in ClickUp to manage her client on and off boarding, as well as tasks to deliver each service to her clients
  • Created proposals in Dubsado which catered for project, monthly and ad hoc services, as well as being easily customisable for each client
  • Created automated workflows in Dubsado to deliver proposals, contracts, invoices, questionnaires and schedulers to new leads and clients
  • Created an automation to send client data into ClickUp from Dubsado when the contract was signed, which then triggered creating the project folder in the client area


what i did

  • Created automated processes in ClickUp and Dubsado to onboard new team members
  • Created processes in ClickUp to manage her current team, including holidays and submitting their invoices
  • Created an automated recruitment process in ClickUp for new team members, which included automatically creating a task list to action with assignees and due dates, sending the new person a team member form to capture their details, creating and sending a contract, onboarding them into ClickUp and sending them a welcome email with the next steps
  • Created a database in ClickUp of all active and inactive team members


  • Improved productivity
  • The ability to track hires and grow her team more effectively
  • The ability to meet clients expectations well before the deadline
  • Increased her revenue because she was able to identify bottlenecks in her team workflows and tell clients no (or upsell them)
  • The ability to scale her business and take on new clients with an individualised approach
  • More confidence and clarity on her business and where she was headed with it
  • The ability to efficiently convert leads into customers


Jill Elston
(insightful research)

the project

Jill's business (Insightful Research) specialises in market research for the education and learning sectors.
She chose the Business Revolution Service because she wanted her full business processes to be reviewed and streamlined.
Tools included ClickUp, Better Proposals, Make, Zapier, Xero and Mailerlite.


Jill was at capacity, struggling to manage a heavy workload and didn’t have a clear view of all the different things going on at any one time. She spent a lot of time reinventing the wheel each time she started a new project because she didn't have any standard processes in place, and she felt overwhelmed in busy periods. So many processes were in her head that it became difficult to delegate or involve others in projects. It was also too easy for things to fall through the gaps as her CRM was in a different place to her client project management which was in a different place again to her marketing plan. It was unrealistic to keep track of all these different systems.


Jill wanted to easily outsource work to other people or bring them in to help her when needed. She wanted more efficient systems in her business and join things up so things were not falling through gaps. She wanted to improve the client experience and wanted to create a client portal and way of sharing progress etc. with clients to give them better visibility on what is going on with their projects.

business revolution

what i did

  • Created a place in ClickUp to manage resources and other business information
  • Documented her processes and SOPs in ClickUp
  • Created a storage and archive area for her previous clients and to save her templates, so that they can be easily accessed and updated as needed
  • Set up Mailerlite, including creating groups to segment her subscribers, creating a newsletter automation that delivered monthly emails, and creating a form to embed in her website that would capture new subscribers
  • Created a process in ClickUp to manage her social media and marketing activities

HQ & Operations

what i did

  • Created a process in ClickUp to manage participants on research projects, as well as recruiting, onboarding and offboarding participants. This included sending automated emails throughout the research project
  • Created dashboards in ClickUp for herself, her VA, her clients and her suppliers. This showed key data, project information, contacts and links to relevant documentation
  • Created a project template in ClickUp that could be automatically created and triggered from her CRM for a new client, but could also be customised to accommodate different client requirements

Client Work

what i did

  • Created an automated CRM in ClickUp to manage her leads and clients, including on and off boarding them, and capturing project requirements using a clickup form that was embedded in her website
  • Created an automation to send people from her ClickUp into Mailerlite and into the relevant segment
  • Created a process in her CRM that would trigger an automation in Xero to create draft invoices, and when they were approved, to send them to the relevant client. If the client wasn’t in Xero, then the automation would create the contact in Xero to send the invoice to
  • Created an automation in ClickUp that would create the relevant proposal in Better Proposals based on different triggers from her CRM
  • Created a database in ClickUp of her current and past clients


  • A ClickUp system that brings all the different parts of her business together and workflows and automations that save so much time
  • A clear view of everything that is going on in her business and can see at a glance what her priorities are for the day and weeks ahead
  • More confidence to handle a busier workload because things are so much more streamlined
  • A system has given her a framework that makes it easier to share processes and delegate tasks because all the information is in one place
  • A revolutionised way to manage and communicate to research participants, saving so much time
  • A very clear business management system that gives her an at-a-glance insight into any aspect of her business and the projects she manages for her clients


Jaime Case
(blue sprout Virtual services)

the project

Jaime's business (Blue Sprout Virtual Services) specialises in virtual services, such as marketing, operations, VA, project management, media projects etc.
She chose the Business Strategy service, because she needed guidance on how to set up ClickUp for her business.
Tools included ClickUp, Zapier, Google Workspace.


Jaime was overwhelmed because there were so many video tutorials on ClickUp and she didn't know what she needed or where to start. They were so generic that she wasn't sure which features would best suit her business and they didn't answer her specific questions she had. She wanted to learn how to customise ClickUp to suit her specific business because she wanted to provide ClickUp set up services for her clients.


Jaime wanted to learn and use ClickUp better, and needed some guidance so it didn't take years to figure out. She wanted to track time spent on all her projects so she could improve her pricing and any other general improvements possible. For her clients, she wanted to make it easier for them to use ClickUp with her, to manage projects like launches, and also collaborate in ClickUp rather than through Zoom, chat, and email. She wanted to learn about dashboards and how best to use them. She wanted to set up ClickUp herself, knew there were different ways but didn’t want to go down the wrong route.

business strategy

what i did

  • Documented her next steps for her to complete
  • Provided more information on the ClickApps and how to get the best from them
  • Identified which ClickUp plan would be more suited to her business
  • Created video recordings of how ClickUp worked and to teach her different features that suited her specific business
  • Created video recording on how to set up Zapier, to integrate ClickUp and Calendly
  • As a bonus I created a CRM template for her to use in ClickUp, so she didn’t have to set that up herself, but could customise it for her business needs
  • Created a picture to show how the hierarchy should look in ClickUp (from Workspace down to list level) for her specific business


what i did

  • Documented a method to capture her processes and SOPs in ClickUp, including how to create automated SOPs that would trigger where they were needed
  • Documented a process to manage all her business to dos, including work she wanted to complete in the future
  • Documented a process to manage all her marketing activities in ClickUp, including social media, blogs and email funnels
  • Documented a process to manage all her internal projects in ClickUp, and how to add automation into them

HQ & Operations

what i did

  • Documented how she could set up an area to manage the work she completes for her clients, including creating templates and automatically applying them where she needed them
  • Documented the best way to track time for her client projects, as well as how to create reports to see the time spent on both her business and her client work
  • Documented the different uses for Dashboards and how she could best utilise them for her business, including team dashboards, client dashboards and a dashboard to use herself that collated all the important data she needed to see

Client Work

what i did

  • Documented how the CRM would work, from how the leads come into it and books a discovery call via calendly to delivering the service, and then offboarding them at the end. It included how to create automations, both within ClickUp and externally
  • Documented a process for her to capture testimonials from her clients, as well as questions that she could use to create her testimonial form
  • Included a list of questions that could be asked in a lead capture form in order to qualify her leads, and a list of questions that could be used in her testimonial form


  • The ability create her own automations, custom fields, views, and more
  • Saved time, instead of trying to figure out where and how to start in ClickUp, reading the generic training material
  • A fully functioning ClickUp that can manage her client work and CRM
  • More confidence and clarity on her business and where she was headed with it


claudine mossberg
(outdoor play connection)

the project

Claudine is an outdoor lifestyle coach for moms. She hopes to normalise the outdoors and work on mindset for moms to find time to get out with their kids or for self-care.
She chose the Business Revolution Service, followed by Business Operations & Project Management.
Tools included ClickUp, Zapier, Acuity, ThriveCart, HelloSign, Google Workspace, ConvertKit, Make, Zoom, Wave.


Time is Claudine's biggest challenge. She homeschool's her three kids and currently wakes up at four in the morning to get her work done and trying to find some more time during the day. 
She had very little time to work and so much to do, with an ever growing to do list
Her biggest need is helping her to set up her systems. She is a new business with growth that is beyond the time she has to focus on the learning curve for learning how to set everything up.


Claudine absolutely loves tech but doesn’t have the time to figure it all out. She needed somebody that can help her decide the best way to do things so that they are efficient and easy for her. She needed her business to work efficiently as she doesn’t have time to do things manually. Her time needed to stay focused on clients, marketing and creating her products and flow. Her goal is to connect with people and organise classes.

business revolution & BO&PM

what i did

  • Created a HQ area in ClickUp to manage her business resources, useful links and other business activities (not associated with clients)
  • Documented all her processes and SOPs in ClickUp, including creating automated SOPs that help her to set up new classes or courses
  • Created a process in ClickUp to manage and track business goals, that could be used to keep track of whether the business was heading in the right direction, whether she achieved her goals and what she needs to action in order to achieve the goals
  • Created a place in ClickUp to manage all the various tools used by the business and all the integrations between them (so all the external automations were documented)
  • Created a storage and archive area for her previous clients and to save her templates, so that they can be easily access and updated as needed


what i did

  • Created a process for her to easily add subscribers into ConvertKit, with the relevant tag, and without her having to go into ConvertKit, so could be done on her phone
  • Created processes in ClickUp to manage her internal projects and marketing activities, including social media content, collaborations, event and email sequences
  • Created an inbox process in ClickUp where she can send things from her email/phone into a ClickUp list and is then automatically routed to the relevant list ready to be actioned
  • Created a process in ClickUp for media interest, so businesses could get in contact with her (via a form on her website) about potential collaborations


what i did

  • Created automated processes in ClickUp to manage her in person class and courses, including managing no shows, registering attendance and keeping track of whether waivers have been signed
  • Integrated ThriveCart and ClickUp so that ThriveCart can send the data to ClickUp of the registered people attending a class or course, meaning she could calculate her income from the class or course and know what she could spend on resources for it, as well as sending communications to her clients ready for the upcoming class or course
  • Integrated ThriveCart and ConvertKit so when the lead registered and paid for a class, they were automatically added to the relevant email sequence in ConvertKit

Client Work

what i did

  • Created an automated CRM in ClickUp to manage all her leads and clients, for in person classes and courses and 1-2-1 programmes
  • Created an automated on and off boarding process for her clients, including registering and paying for classes/courses, receiving welcome and reminder emails at certain days/times leading up to the class/course, sending waivers to be signed and having them saved in google drive, and sending them the latest weather update prior to the class/course so the clients are prepared
  • Set up ThriveCart for the different classes and courses she runs, including setting limits on how many purchases can be made on the products, capturing data from the client, creating vouchers and processes for VIPs, designing the checkout and success pages, and linking it to ConvertKit to trigger email sequences and automations

CRM Part 1

what i did

  • Created an automated process to tag hot leads in ConvertKit and the corresponding lead task in ClickUp based on the leads clicking certain links in ConvertKit email sequences. This helped to prioritise her leads, as she had so many to follow up with
  • Created an automated waitlist process that starts in ClickUp as a form to complete, and when the status changes it triggeres an email from ConvertKit with the new dates for the waitlisters to register for
  • Created everything views in ClickUp to enable her to access key data, and have a high level view of all the work she needs to complete, as well as all the leads/clients she needs to follow up with

CRM Part 2

what i did

  • Created an automated recruitment process in ClickUp for new team members and teachers, which included automatically creating a task list to action with assignees and due dates, sending the new person a team member onboarding form to capture their details, creating and sending a contract, onboarding them into ClickUp and sending them a welcome email with the next steps
  • Created a database in ClickUp of all active and inactive team members and teachers
  • Created a process in ClickUp for teachers to submit their invoices to be paid, including automatically sending them reminders with a link to the form they use to submit their invoices
  • Created a process in ClickUp to manage team member holiday submissions and ensuring management reviewed them


what i did

  • Management of all tools and their functionality, including integrations, automations, housekeeping and continuous improvements
  • Development and management of templates, including Questionnaires, Registration Forms, Waivers, Lead Capture Forms, Waitlist Forms, Schedulers, Packages, Payment Schedules, Canned Emails and Workflows
  • Client management, including on/off boarding activities, sending waivers, communications, checking for allergies and special needs to flag to the teachers, ensuring all attendees were registered, flagging clients on payment plans so we can track money owed
  • Managing the day-to-day operations of the business, as well as support and strategy for future developments, goals and visions
  • Development and management of processes, SOPs and business operations

Business operations & PM Part 1

what i did

  • Managing the team and teachers, including on/off boarding, workload, deliverables, priorities, invoicing, time tracking and communication
  • Project Management of internal projects
  • Management of classes, including setting up and launching new classes and managing the team to ensure they completed their elements

Business operations & PM Part 2


  • Her time freed to allow her to do the work she wants with her clients
  • Easily converted leads to clients
  • Made her dream programme come to life
  • A business that exists and I am able to grow at the speed I know we can
  • Her focus on the client and marketing
  • A better work-life balance
  • Someone to help manage the growing team

the project

Shaira's business (Shaira Sakhrani) specialises in holistic health, helping people through an integrative approach to wellness focusing on nutrition, emotional balance and stress management to achieve an optimal state of well-being.
She chose the ClickUp  and Dubsado Service.
Tools included ClickUp, Dubsado, Flodesk, Google Workspace, Zoom and Zapier.


Shaira didn’t have a place to manage her work for her clients or work for her own business, it was completed in notepads. There was no automation, so had to manually on and off board her clients. She didn't know how to set up Dubsado and ClickUp for her business and didn’t have time to learn it all. There were no processes or procedures documented.


Shaira wanted to reduce manual work so that she could spend more time to work with her clients. She wanted a place to manage and keep track of clients, who they were and where they were in the process. She wanted somewhere where she could plan and organise projects and workshops.

ClickUp & Dubsado Build


what i did

  • Created a place in ClickUp to document her recipes she used for herself and her clients, including being able to sort and group them by cuisine, low/high calorie and free from foods etc.
  • Documented all her processes and SOPs in ClickUp, including automated SOPs to use to deliver her programmes to her clients and setting up her workshops
  • Created a storage and archive area for her previous clients and to save her templates, so that they can be easily accessed and updated as needed
  • Created a process in ClickUp to manage her social media and marketing activities, including her blog
  • Created a process in ClickUp to manage her internal projects, such as her monthly workshops, and automated the tasks created for each project or workshop

HQ & Operations

what i did

  • Created an automated process in ClickUp to manage the services for her clients, for both 1-2-1s and group programmes, and including managing the programme deliverables, communications and the to dos she needed to complete for each programme. These were generated through automated SOPs
  • Created an automated process using ClickUp, Dubsado and Flodesk to manage registrations, emails and delivery of her workshops

Client Work

what i did

  • Created an automated process in ClickUp to manage the testimonials, including delivering different freebies to clients depending on what type of testimonial they provided
  • Created automated workflows in Dubsado to automatically on and off board leads and clients, including sending clients proposals, questionnaires, emails, contracts, schedulers, invoices and testimonials
  • Created contracts for new clients to sign, questionnaires for clients to complete, schedulers for leads and clients to book call with her, proposals to send to leads and lead capture forms she could embed in her website
  • Integrated Dubsado and ClickUp using Zapier to send the client data into the relevant programme list in ClickUp, when the contract was signed in Dubsado


  • A place where she can manage and organise all her workshops with ease, as most of the process is automated
  • Reduced time spent on manual back end and admin processes
  • Happier clients due to an efficient client journey
  • The ability to track where all her programmes and projects are up to
  • All of her business activities managed in one place instead of notes
  • More time to spend with clients


ready to revolutionise your virtual world?
book a call to see how i can save you 1 day a week