sam daly

online business manager

system & process expert

Hi! i'm Sam

I am an Online Business Manager. I help overworked and overwhelmed business owners free their time, improve client experience and grow their business by creating streamlined and automated systems.
I am a System and Process Expert, specialising in ClickUp and Dubsado.
I'm so glad you are here, keep reading to find out a little more about me and how I can help you with my specialist skills.

my story

For as long as I can recall, I have had a passion for planning, organising and managing, no matter where I was or what I was doing, it has always come naturally to me. I can remember driving my parents crazy organising my childhood birthday parties in extensive detail with lists and plans (this was from at least 7 years old!).

I have a BSc (hons) degree in Project Management and have worked in the corporate world for 15 years, gaining experience managing large teams (in person and virtual), multiple projects and various stakeholders and clients from different industries.
My background in Business Analysis, Operations Management and Project Management has allowed me to help business owners all over the world to free their time, improve their client journey and experience, grow their business, increase revenue and achieve their business goals and vision.

My passion is creating unique automated processes and seeing the transformation it has on not just the business, but also on the business owner. I do not do a cookie cutter approach, as every business and business owner is different (even if they are in the same industry) and therefore they need something that will help them individually, whether it’s a different approach, process or view.
This means I am able to help clients transform their business from chaos to organised, as well as transforming the business owner's mindset, from having to do everything, to focusing their energy on the things that only they can do, meaning they are working smarter not harder.

fun facts

I have grown up with animals all my life, and currently I have 7 at home, although at one point it got as high as 9!

My parents met in Africa, so from 0-5 years old I lived in Nigeria. We moved to the UK after that, so a slight temperature change!

My kryptonite is Prosecco! I love a little bit of bubbly on the weekend, especially mixed with Aperol in the summer time!

For the last few years I have started to take cold showers every day, even in the winter! It has increased my energy and feels great!

I have an extremely eclectic taste in music, from ABBA to Coldplay, musicals to operas and anything between 1950 to now.

what is an OBM?

An OBM is a virtual based support professional who manages the day-to-day activities of online based businesses, including the management of projects, operations and team. We offer management-level support to busy online business owners. We are responsible for making sure the right stuff gets done in the right way at the right time and by the right people.
I am not another contractor that you must manage, but someone who can help manage others for you. I will become part of your business and your first line of defence. I will help you to brainstorm and make decisions that will optimise and grow your business, and I will do whatever it takes to get the job done and turn your ideas into implemented solutions.

how an obm can help you

my Mission

Speaking to my sister-in-law on why she didn’t start her own business, she said the people she knew who had their own business work long and hard days, with no free time. I smiled, as I hear this every time I speak to a new client. To own your own business is one of the most rewarding experiences, but you can easily lose the passion when you have to work into the night just to catch up. Finding the right work-life balance can be liberating, and can be done with the right systems in place to support you throughout your journey.

work-life balance

My mission is to help overworked business owners to free their time and to have once more the excitement and passion of running their own business.

why me

My analytical and creative skills will ensure that your business will have the best possible solution for your specific business needs.

I can look at the high-level view of your business, but also focus on the smallest detail ensuring every part of your business is covered.

I love and thrive on challenges! So I will not give up until I solve all of your problems, down to the very last item.

I can tailor the systems and process to a way that suits the business owner, and their individual learning and processing style.

I am logical and organised so I will ensure all your tools, systems and processes are streamlined to perfection.

ready to revolutionise your virtual world?
book a call to see how i can save you 1 day a week